Validated Patterns

Introducing a Simplified Tier Naming Scheme

by Andrew Beekhof
December 1, 2023
patterns announce

The efforts here started off with 2 different classes of patterns: “Community” and “Validated”, however this terminology dates back to before the effort had arrived at “Validated Patterns” as the official project name.

Having standardized on the use of “Validated Patterns” to refer to the overall initiative, it became confusing to refer to “Community” Validated Patterns and “Validated” Validated Patterns.

In addressing that confusion, we took the opportunity to design a new set of tiers:

Generally speaking, Sandbox aligns with the old Community tier, and Maintained aligns with the old Validated tier. However some of the requirements associated with those previous tiers were structured around our bandwidth and our priorities. In revisiting the tiers, we’ve removed many of those value judgements and shifted the emphasis to be on where the bar is, rather than who the work is being done by.

With a new set of tier names, and a new set of requirements, we are going to start off all patterns in the Sandbox tier rather than grandfather them into the new names. Don’t panic, the code behind your favorite patterns have not suddenly regressed, we’re using the opportunity to work out any kinks in the promotion process and ensure patterns are classified consistently.

We expect to have finished re-reviewing the previous validated tier patterns by the end of 2023 and the previous community tier patterns by the end of Q1 2024.