Validated Patterns

In-cluster Git Server

by Michele Baldessari
July 12, 2024
patterns git

In-cluster Git Server


Starting with the patterns operator version 0.0.52 there is an initial (experimental) support for having an in-cluster git server. Once enabled, a very simple gitea server is installed and configured inside the cluster. The patterns will use the internal gitea server to pull code from. By default the Gitea server repository will sync from the upstream git repo every eight hours.


One of the main reasons to have an in-cluster git server is to make it simpler to get started with patterns. It avoids the need to have a fork of the original pattern’s git repo and the changes can be done directly in the in-cluster git repository.

How to get started

There are fundamentally two ways to set up the in-cluster gitea server.

  1. Via the user interface in the console by enabling the In Cluster Git Server switch inside the Git Config section: gitea-operator-ux And setting the Origin Repo to the upstream git repository that needs to be imported in gitea.
  2. By creating a Pattern CR and setting the spec.gitSpec.originRepo field to the upstream git repository. In this case the spec.gitSpec.targetRepo field, which is used by the pattern to deploy the actual code, will be automatically overwritten pointing to the internal in-cluster git route. For example:
    kind: Pattern
      name: test-pattern
      namespace: openshift-operators
      clusterGroupName: hub
        targetRevision: main
    In the example above, since originRepo is not empty it will be used as the upstream git repository to clone from and that repository will be imported into gitea and targetRepo will be automatically constructed to point to the internal gitea.


Once the the in-gitea cluster is enabled, its configuration will be done via a normal argo application that can be seen in the cluster-wide argo: gitea-argo-application

The gitea interface can be accessed via the gitea-route inside the vp-gitea namespace or by clicking the console link on the nine box: gitea-console-link

To access the gitea admin interface a secret called gitea-admin-secret containing username and password are created inside the vp-gitea namespace.


Once logged in with the gitea_admin user whose password is contained in the gitea-admin-secret you will see the repository that has been configured inside gitea: gitea-repository-list

Clicking on the repository will show the actual code and the usual git related information (branch, tags, etc): gitea-repository-show

Gitea usage

To clone the gitea repository you can simply clone the repository via https:

git -c http.sslVerify=false clone

In order to avoid the sslVerify=false setting you need to download your clusters CA and import it into the git config.

You can create a token in gitea under Settings -> Applications -> Manage Access Tokens that repository Read and Write permissions. With this token you can clone it once with authentication and then push changes to the gitea repository:

git -c http.sslVerify=false clone https://gitea_admin:<token>
git -c http.sslVerify=false push origin mytestbranch

Note: The conversion from gitea mirror to regular repository is needed unless the upstream issue gets implemented.