Validated Patterns

Pushing secrets

by Michele Baldessari
August 30, 2024

Pushing Secrets to HashiCorp Vault

With this post we’d like to Introduce a powerful new feature: Push Secrets Across Nodes and Namespaces.


We’re excited to announce a new feature that enhances the flexibility and security of your secret management workflows: you can now use the secret/pushsecrets vault path to push secrets from any node or any namespace to Vault. This feature allows secrets to be securely retrieved from a different namespace or even a different cluster node, making it easier to manage and distribute sensitive data across your infrastructure.

Once stored in the Vault, these secrets can be accessed from either a different namespace or a different cluster node, providing a seamless way to manage secrets across a distributed environment.

How It Works

To illustrate how this feature works, let’s walk through a simple example where we push an existing kubernetes secret called existing-secret into the Vault using a PushSecret resource. The existing secret could be the following:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: existing-secret
  namespace: hello-world
  bar: YmFyCg== # The secret field we are interested in pushing into the vault
  foo: ....

And here is the PushSecret resource that will fetch the bar key from the existing secret above and push it into the vault.

kind: PushSecret
  name: pushsecret
  namespace: hello-world
    - conversionStrategy: None
          remoteKey: pushsecrets/testme # the remote vault path
          property: baz # the key in the path defined above inside the vault
        secretKey: bar # The property of the local `existing-secret` secret that will be pushed to `pushsecrets/testme/baz` in the vault
  deletionPolicy: Delete
  refreshInterval: 10s
    - kind: ClusterSecretStore
      name: vault-backend
      name: existing-secret
  updatePolicy: Replace

In this example, the PushSecret resource is defined in the hello-world namespace and it will take the key bar of the k8s secret called existing-secret and push it to Vault in the pushsecrets/testme path and ultimately it will be copied under the baz key/property inside vault.

Here is some more info on the other yaml fields:

  • deletionPolicy Determines what happens to the secret when the PushSecret is deleted. In this case, the secret will also be deleted from the Vault.
  • refreshInterval Sets how often the secret will be refreshed. This is set to 10 seconds in the example, meaning the secret will be checked and updated every 10 seconds.
  • secretStoreRefs Points to the ClusterSecretStore named vault-backend, which defines where the secret will be stored.
  • selector Identifies the secret to be pushed. In this case, it is the secret named existing-secret within the hello-world namespace.
  • updatePolicy Specifies the policy for updating the secret in the Vault. The Replace policy will overwrite any existing secret at the target location with the new value.

This configuration effectively takes a specific property (baz) from an existing secret in the hello-world namespace and pushes it to the Vault path secret/pushsecrets/testme. The secret can then be retrieved from any other namespace or node that has access to the Vault.