by Martin Jackson
January 9, 2025
ansible edge gitops
federated edge observability
The release of Ansible Automation Platform v2.5 has prompted a number of changes in how the Validated Patterns framework interacts with it as a product. Most of these changes were prompted by changes in the architecture of AAP itself, but as a side-effect of those changes we have been able to generalize several aspects of the Validated Patterns approach to Ansible and hopefully provide better options across the ecosystem.
To this end, AGOF continues to provide an experience to install Ansible Automation Platform into AWS, as well as the capability of installing an AGOF pattern onto a freshly installed AAP instance.
Since very nearly the beginning of the Validated Patterns initiative, we have been very interested in the inclusion of other frameworks in addition to Kubernetes and OpenShift as targets for GitOps methodologies, and tools in addition to ArgoCD as means to apply those methodologies.
To this end, one of the earliest Validated Patterns was Ansible Edge GitOps. One of the driving motivations there was to show that GitOps as a methodology and practice is applicable to RHEL targets as well, and that Ansible Automation Platform can be the GitOps controller that applies a known, desired state configuration (in this case to VMs).
In the time since Ansible Edge GitOps was first developed, the strategic significance of OpenShift Virtualization has increased. Ansible Automation Platform has grown significantly in capabilities and features, introducing the Automation Hub and Event-Driven Ansible components. The maturity and adoption of the Ansible Configuration as Code tools have similarly improved.
Further, one of the consistent pieces of feedback we received about Ansible Edge GitOps was some variation of "How is VMs running in AWS 'Edge'?" This was a very fair point; the reason we implemented the pattern that way was because we did not want users to be required to supply their own devices to be able to run the pattern and see it in action. However, the path we chose for that also effectively precluded users from being able to easily run the pattern against physical devices if they did have them. And while it was possible, in theory, to extract the HMI demo component from the pattern, it was difficult. In short, the pattern was too monolithic and thus too hard to customize.
With the release of Ansible Automation Platform 2.5, and an invitation to work on a problem related to the initial Ansible Edge GitOps problem set (Ansible Edge focused on the application delivery and configuration use case), we had an opportunity to re-examine the underlying architecture of the pattern and see if we could improve on it. The result is Federated Edge Observability, which focuses on a solution to manage remote edge nodes, including telemetry collection, federation, and visualization components.
New Features
AGOF v2 now supports installation and configuration of Ansible Automation Platform 2.5.
AGOF v2 now directly supports configuration of AAP inside OpenShift via a chart that is published in the Validated Patterns chart repository. Inside an OpenShift Validated Pattern, an Ansible Validated Pattern can make use of the HashiCorp Vault instance that the OpenShift Validated Pattern uses for secret storage to store secrets for AAP as well.
The transition from AAP 2.4 to AAP 2.5 represents a much larger jump than one might think based on SemVer numbering. (Note: Ansible Automation Platform does not claim adherence to the SemVer standard.)
The main thing that impacts AGOF is the addition of the Platform or Gateway API. This enables a number of useful features, but represents a radical departure from the installation scheme that was used previously for the containerized installer, which was the focus of AGOF installations. The new gateway API allows all of the AAP components to function on a single server as a unified whole, as opposed to each service running on the same server but without essential knowledge of other services that might be running on the same node. This also meant that in a typical single-node containzerized install, none of the services would be listening on the "normal" HTTPS port (443), which may have been surprising.
The AAP Gateway component now functions as a gateway layer, that brokers access to the other components of Ansible Automation Platform. The Gateway listens on port 443 and dispatches requests to the various components as appropriate. Further, the role-based access control (RBAC) components of AAP have moved into the Gateway component, which allows for a more coherent approach to RBAC, but results in some changes that are not backwards compatible with previous versions. Further, the AAP Operator as it installs on OpenShift has seen substantial development and partly due to the Gateway, has been changed in ways that are not always backwards compatible with version 2.4 and previous.
Because previous versions of AGOF (v1) support AAP versions 2.4 and below, and because it is reasonable to expect that future versions of AAP will follow the 2.5 architecture, we made the decision that AGOF v2 would drop support for AAP 2.4 and below, and only support AAP 2.5 and subsequent releases.
Additionally, several elements that were initially included in AGOF as shims for what would eventually become RHIS-builder have now been removed. These were undocumented code bits that allowed for using the AGOF codebase to configure Red Hat Satellite and Red Hat Identity Management as part of the AGOF bootstrap. These options were never fully documented, never formally tested, and upon further architectural review, did not belong in AGOF proper. Thus they have been removed.
Changes in AAP Architecture
Before AAP 2.5, all of the major components of AAP were managed separately, by their own dedicated collections for configuration. Controller, Event-Driven Ansible, and Automation Hub had their own APIs, their own databases, and their own RBAC models.
As of 2.5, there is a new Gateway layer that handles routing into the various AAP components as well as providing RBAC for all of the other platform components. This required refactoring several elements of the other configuration collections. Upstream, the configuration-as-code collections decided to re-package the configuration as code tooling to more closely resemble the new architecture; this especially includes the introduction of the infra.aap_configuration collection which can configure the entire product, and sequences the configuration of the components correctly. Previously, users of the tooling had to use three different collections to configure the entire product.
Most technically significant for AGOF, the dependencies for the infra.aap_configuration collection are only available from the Ansible Automation Hub, which requires a Red Hat offline token to access. This required changes in how Validated Patterns in general handled AAP configuration, because previously Validated Patterns used the upstream collections to do AAP configuration. The changes in collection packaging required Validated Patterns to be able to bootstrap an environment suitable for complete AAP configuration. (Ansible Edge GitOps only required the use of the Controller component of AAP, and only explicitly provided a mechanism to configure Controller. It was possible to configure the other components of AAP via this mechanism, but doing so would have been far from straightforward.)
AGOF already provided a mechanism for integrating with Automation Hub content, so it made sense to extend that mechanism to work with OpenShift-based installations of AAP in addition to the single-node Containerized Installation, which was its initial focus. This also had the benefit of making any use of Ansible as a GitOps agent in Validated Patterns more easily transferable outside of OpenShift.
It also exposed some bad assumptions that were built into Ansible Edge GitOps, which becane apparent when making these updates.
Bad Assumptions (and How We Fixed Them)
One of the initial challenges with the interface between Kubernetes and the VM world in Ansible Edge GitOps was how to get access to the various resources in the Kubernetes cluster. Since the Validated Patterns framework needs and has access to the initial administrative Kubeconfig for the OpenShift cluster, it was convenient to absorb that into the AAP configuration and just use that to discover anything needed. It was convenient, but it was also (on reflection) a violation of the "least-privilege" principle, which states that systems should only get the access they need to accomplish their tasks. The Kubeconfig access was used to discover service objects in another namespace, and couple potentially have altered them, or anything else in the cluster.
This only became really obvious when the AAP configuration had to be done outside the context of the initial Validated Patterns bootstrap environment. In AGOF v2, and in the Helm chart for using AGOF in Validated Patterns, this has been addressed by including a specific service account and RBAC that allows for VM service discovery by default.
AGOF v2: Mandatory Variables
The following variables are essential to AGOF running correctly outside of OpenShift. In specific cases the OpenShift based installation of AAP will determine values for these variables in other ways, so they do not need to be set explicitly. Outside of OpenShift, these values must be set in either agof_vault.yml or (if using one) in the inventory file.
Variable Name | Variable Type | OpenShift handling? | Default | Notes |
automation_hub_token_vault | string (base64 encoded token) | Secret automation-hub-token, field token | None | Similar to but distinct from offline_token. Generated on console.redhat.com |
manifest_content | string (base64 encoded zipfile) | Secret aap-manifest, field b64content | None | A Satellite manifest file that must contain a valid Ansible Automation Platform entitlement |
agof_iac_repo | string | Helm value .Values.agof.iac_repo | https://github.com/validatedpatterns-demos/ansible-edge-gitops-hmi-config-as-code.git | This drives the rest of the AGOF configuration (along with agof_iac_repo_version) |
agof_iac_repo_version | string | Helm value .Values.agof.iac_revision | main | Can be a branch name, tag, or SHA commit |
admin_password | string | Discovered by aap-config from installed operand | Randomly generated string per-instance | Can also be retrieved by running scripts/ansible_get_credentials.sh which will retrieve the AAP hostname and password by discovering the values from OpenShift. |
db_password | string | Generated at random by OpenShift operator | None | Not needed directly for OpenShift AGOF |
offline_token | string | Derived from OpenShift pull secret | None | Used to download AAP installer. On OpenShift it does not need to be separately specified. |
redhat_username | string | Derived from OpenShift pull secret | None | Used to download images from registry.redhat.io for non-OpenShift installs. On OpenShift it does not need to be separately specified. |
redhat_password | string | Derived from OpenShift pull secret | None | Used to download images from registry.redhat.io for non-OpenShift installs. On OpenShift it does not need to be separately specified. |
OpenShift Support
OpenShift support for AGOF works by creating a "clean room" environment for AGOF within the cluster that hosts the Ansible Automation Platform operator. The scheme expects that the AAP installation will be running but otherwise unconfigured, and not entitled. Thus, it uses the "API Install" mechanism of AGOF (which will configured a previously installed instance of AAP), but adjusted for the OpenShift hosted version of AAP in the following ways:
It forces a variable override order that ensures that the variables passed to the helm chart will take precedence
It includes all Helm chart values as Ansible extravars, at the highest level of priority
It provides secrets projected through the chart to the AAP configuration workflow.
The chart will then apply an Ansible Validated Pattern (in the form an Ansible configuration-as-code set of repositories) to run on the in-cluster AAP controller. The configuration of AAP will run periodically, every 10 minutes by default, so that if any change is made to either AGOF or to the pattern those changes will be reflected and applied in the next run.
For use in this scenario, new Makefile targets have been introduced. The key one used for the OpenShift scheme is
, which can also be run outside OpenShift. If run this way, it will use the user’s home
directory to download the dependent collections and create the files necessary for AGOF to run which will contain
secrets as defined by the user. These include agof_vault.yml and agof_overrides.yml which are placed in the root of the user’s home directory (~).
agof_vault.yml and agof_overrides.yml
The AGOF chart uses the in-cluster Vault instance for the secrets it needs, primarily a vault file (which may contain an arbitrary amount of secrets and, if the user wishes, non-secret data), and the chart will create an agof_overrides.yml file which contains the specific coordinates of both the AGOF repo and version, as well as all helm chart values that have been set by the user. This allows the user to include extra data in the AGOF chart that can be passed through to the AAP instance configuration.
Nothing critical needs to be stored in the agof_vault.yml file - it is quite possible to specify "---" (that is, an empty YAML file) as its contents. However, if there are other secrets that the Ansible pattern needs that are not going to be injected into Vault for some reason, the vault file is the place to put them.
Secrets "layering"
In the AGOF on OpenShift chart, agof_vault.yml is passed as an extravars file, and then agof_overrides.yml is passed as another extravars file. This makes the override characteristics of variables that may be used in both files deterministic - anything set in agof_overrides.yml will override any value set in the vault file. This was done to ensure that values that users may be accustomed to setting in the vault file - such as the infrastructure-as-code repository - would definitely be overridden by the overrides file.
A designed goal of this scheme is to provide a clear mechanism for the use of secrets that are not included in
a public repository. This takes advantage of Ansible’s lazy evaluation of templates, which makes it easy (and
common) for ansible variables to be defined in terms of other variables (for example, if you have a
{{ password }}
in your Ansible code, you then have to provide a value for it at runtime - but this value does
not have to be specified or known in the public repository. AGOF depends on this behavior of Ansible and injects
both a user-specific vault file as well as variables imported from helm in a predictable and deterministic way,
so that the user does not have to remember to specify those parameters to the command.
AGOF v2: Repositories for an AGOF Pattern in OpenShift and their Purposes
Note that it is quite possible to run AGOF outside of OpenShift as before. The example below shows the maximum example (of starting within OpenShift). AGOFv2 outside OpenShift works essentially as it has before.

AGOF is designed to encourage and comply with broadly practiced Ansible Good Practices. In particular, one of the main criticisms of Ansible Edge GitOps was that it was too monolithic. A skilled practitioner could pull apart the pieces and repurpose the pattern, but this was not especially straightforward, and it was not especially scalable.
An AGOF Pattern MUST define the following repositories:
AGOF repository (default: https://github.com/validatedpatterns/agof.git). This repository contains AGOF itself, and is scaffolding for the rest of the process.
An Infrastructure as Code repository. This is the main "pattern" content. It contains an AAP configuration, expressed in terms suitable for processing by the infra.aap_configuration collection. This repository will contain references to other resources, which are described immediately following.
An AGOF Infrastructure as Code repository MAY define the following additional repositories, as needed:
One or more collection repositories. These will contain Ansible content (that is, playbooks and roles) for accomlishing a particular result. Multiple collection repositories may be defined if needed. Even if using roles provided by collections available via Ansible Galaxy or Automation Hub, it is still necessary to provide a playbook to serve as the basis for a Job Template in AAP to do the configuration work.
One or more inventory repositories. Ansible Good Practices state that inventories should be separated from the content. This allows for using separate inventories with the same collection codebase - a feature that users frequently requested from Ansible Edge GitOps because they wanted to change it from configuring virtual machines in AWS to use actual hardware nodes (for example). It would also be possible to have effectively an empty inventory and discover nodes automatically (as earlier iterations of Ansible Edge GitOps do).
The practical consequence of this is that a model pattern using this scheme that runs under OpenShift will involve five or more repositories:
The OpenShift pattern repository
The AGOF repository which is used to load the AAP configuration
The configuration-as-code repository that defines the objects to be created and maintained in Ansible Automation Platform for the pattern
One or more collection repositories which must at minimum contain playbooks to use as Job Templates
One or more inventory repositories to define the nodes on which the pattern will operate.
Charts for Ansible Validated Patterns
Charts particularly for use in Ansible Patterns:
This installs an instance of AAP on the OpenShift cluster, and configures the components. By default it includes Controller and Event-Driven Ansible but can also be configured to include Automation Hub.
This chart is the one that actually embeds AGOF into the pattern.
This chart installs and configures an instance of OpenShift Virtualization.
This chart installs and configures an instance of OpenShift Data Foundations suitable for hosting virtual machines on.
This chart is responsible for actually creating virtual machines in OpenShift Virtualization. Its defaults assume that it is being run on AWS, and that VM data disks will be backed by ODF.
In additiona, Ansible Patterns can use these other charts that are used in several other validated patterns:
Installs and configures the community edition of Hashicorp Vault. Vault is the default secret storage mechanism for Validated Patterns.
Installs and configures Golang External Secrets. External Secrets is the normal mechanism Validated Patterns uses to retrieve and use secrets within the patterns.