Contribute to Validated Patterns
Find out how you can contribute to the Validated Patterns project.
Contribute to Validated Patterns documentation Different ways to contribute There are a few different ways you can contribute to Validated Patterns documentation:
Introduction This section provides details on how to create a new pattern using the validated patterns framework. Creating a new pattern might start from scratch or it may start from an existing deployment that would benefit from a repeatable framework based on GitOps.
Introduction to extending a pattern using a fork Extending an existing pattern usually means adding a new product and/or configuration to the existing pattern.
The validated patterns community has relied on existing architectures that have been successfully deployed in an enterprise. The architecture itself is a best practice in assembling technologies and projects to provide a working solution.
Purpose The purpose of this support policy is to define expectations for the time in which consumers and developers of the Patterns framework can expect to receive assistance with their query to the Validated Patterns team.