Validated Patterns

About the Validated Patterns Sandbox tier

A pattern categorized under the sandbox tier provides you with an entry point to onboard to the Validated Patterns. The minimum requirement to qualify for the sandbox tier is that you must start with the patterns framework and include minimal documentation.

Nominating a pattern for the sandbox tier

The Validated Patterns team has a preference for empowering others, and not taking credit for their work.

Where there is an existing application or a demonstration, there is also a strong preference for the originating team to own any changes that are needed for the implementation to become a validated pattern. Alternatively, if the Validated Patterns team drives the conversion, then to prevent confusion and duplicated efforts, we are likely to ask for a commitment to phase out use of the previous implementation for future engagements such as demos, presentations, and workshops.

The goal is to avoid bringing a parallel implementation into existence which divides engineering resources, and creates confusion internally and with customers as the implementations drift apart.

In both scenarios the originating team can choose where to host the primary repository, will be given admin permissions to any fork in, and will receive on-going assistance from the Validated Patterns team.

Requirements for the sandbox tier

Consider these requirements for all sandbox tier.

The requirements are categorized as follows:


These are nonnegotiable, core requirements that must be implemented.


These are important but not critical; their implementation enhances the pattern.


These are optional or desirable features, but their absence does not hinder the implementation of a pattern.


A sandbox pattern must continue to meet the following criteria to remain in the sandbox tier:

  1. A sandbox pattern must conform to the common technical implementation requirements.

  2. A sandbox pattern must be able to be deployed onto a freshly deployed OpenShift cluster without prior modification or tuning.

  3. A sandbox pattern must include a top-level README file that highlights the business problem and how the pattern solves it.

  4. A sandbox pattern must include an architecture drawing. The specific tool or format is flexible as long as the meaning is clear.

  5. A sandbox pattern must undergo an informal technical review by a community leader to ensure that it meets basic reuse standards.

  6. A sandbox pattern must undergo an informal architecture review by a community leader to ensure that the solution has the right components, and they are generally being used as intended. For example, not using a database as a message bus.

    As community leaders, contributions from within Red Hat might be subject to a higher level of scrutiny. While we strive to be inclusive, the community will have quality standards and generally using the framework does not automatically imply a solution is suitable for the community to endorse/publish.

  7. A sandbox pattern must document their support policy.

It is anticipated that most sandbox pattern will be supported by the community on a best-effort basis, but this should be stated explicitly. The Validated Patterns team commits to maintaining the framework, but will also accept help.


  1. A sandbox pattern (including works-in-progress) can be hosted in the GitHub organization.

  2. A sandbox pattern can be listed on the site.

  3. A sandbox pattern meeting additional criteria can be nominated for promotion to the Tested tier.