Learn about Validated Patterns
Find out more information about Validated Patterns and how they work.
Creating a validated pattern The high level steps to create a validated pattern are as follows:
Identify the business case you want to address.
Subscriptions are defined in the values files and they are OpenShift Operator subscriptions from the Operator Hub. Subscriptions contribute to the creation of a software bill of materials (SBOM), detailing all intended installations within the ClusterGroup.
About the Ansible GitOps framework (AGOF) for validated patterns The Ansible GitOps Framework provides an extensible framework to do GitOps with Ansible Automation Platform (AAP).
Procedure: Changing Subscription to Use a specific Operator Version This procedure outlines the steps to change an Operator subscription to use a specific version by updating the csv field and configuring the installation approval process.
Overview of the Ansible GitOps Framework (AGOF) Installation Process The Ansible GitOps Framework (AGOF) is a powerful solution designed to automate the deployment and configuration of Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) environments using GitOps principles.
Key concepts This section describes a set of key concepts essential for creating validated pattern. This material provides you with foundational knowledge to get familiar with the validated patterns framework.