Validated Patterns

Deploying the Industrial Edge Pattern


  1. An OpenShift cluster (Go to the OpenShift console). Cluster must have a dynamic StorageClass to provision PersistentVolumes. See also sizing your cluster.

  2. (Optional) A second OpenShift cluster for edge/factory

  3. A GitHub account (and a token for it with repositories permissions, to read from and write to your forks)

  4. A quay account with the following repositories set as public:

    • http-ionic
    • httpd-ionic
    • iot-anomaly-detection
    • iot-consumer
    • iot-frontend
    • iot-software-sensor

The use of this blueprint depends on having at least one running Red Hat OpenShift cluster. It is desirable to have a cluster for deploying the data center assets and a separate cluster(s) for the factory assets.

If you do not have a running Red Hat OpenShift cluster you can start one on a public or private cloud by using Red Hat’s cloud service.


For installation tooling dependencies, see Patterns quick start

How to deploy

  1. Fork the industrial-edge repository on GitHub. It is necessary to fork because your fork will be updated as part of the GitOps and DevOps processes.

  2. Fork the manuela-dev repository on GitHub. It is necessary to fork this repository because the GitOps framework will push tags to this repository that match the versions of software that it will deploy.

  3. Clone the forked copy of the industrial-edge repository. Create a deployment branch using the branch v2.3.

    git clone{your-username}/industrial-edge.git
    cd industrial-edge
    git checkout v2.3
    git switch -c deploy-v2.3
  4. A values-secret-industrial-edge.yaml file is used to automate setup of secrets needed for:

    • A git repository hosted on a service such as GitHub, GitLab, or so on.
    • A container image registry (E.g. Quay)
    • S3 storage (E.g. AWS)

    DO NOT COMMIT THIS FILE. You do not want to push personal credentials to GitHub.

    cp values-secret.yaml.template ~/values-secret-industrial-edge.yaml
    vi ~/values-secret-industrial-edge.yaml
  5. Customize the following secret values.

    version: "2.0"
    - name: imageregistry
        # E.G. Quay -> Robot Accounts -> Robot Login
        - name: username
          value: <Your-Robot-Account>
        - name: password
          value: <Your-RobotAccount-Password>
      - name: git
        # Go to:
        - name: username
          value: <github-user>
        - name: password
          value: <github-token>
      - name: aws
        - name: aws_access_key_id
          ini_file: ~/.aws/credentials
          ini_key: aws_access_key_id
        - name: aws_secret_access_key
          ini_file: ~/.aws/credentials
          ini_key: aws_secret_access_key
  6. Customize the deployment for your cluster. Change the appropriate values in values-global.yaml

    clusterGroupName: datacenter
    pattern: industrial-edge
       useCSV: False
       syncPolicy: Automatic
       installPlanApproval: Automatic
       account: PLAINTEXT
       type: quay
       account: PLAINTEXT
       #username: PLAINTEXT
       dev_revision: main
          name: BUCKETNAME
          region: AWSREGION
             count: 50
             enabled: false
    vi values-global.yaml
    git add values-global.yaml
    git commit -m "Added personal values to values-global" values-global.yaml
    git push origin deploy-v2.3
  7. You can deploy the pattern using the Validated Patterns Operator directly. If you deploy the pattern using the Validated Patterns Operator, installed through Operator Hub, you will need to run ./ make load-secrets through a terminal session on your laptop or bastion host.

  8. If you deploy the pattern through a terminal session on your laptop or bastion host login to your cluster by using the oc login command or by exporting the KUBECONFIG file.

    oc login


    export KUBECONFIG=~/my-ocp-cluster/auth/kubeconfig
  9. Apply the changes to your cluster from the root directory of the pattern.

    ./ make install

The make install target deploys the Validated Patterns Operator, all the resources that are defined in the values-datacenter.yaml and runs the make load-secrets target to load the secrets configured in your values-secrets-industrial-edge.yaml file.

Validating the Environment

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, navigate to the Operators → OperatorHub page.

  2. Verify that the following Operators are installed on the HUB cluster:

    Operator Name                  Namespace
    advanced-cluster-management    open-cluster-management
    amq-broker-rhel8               manuela-tst-all
    amq-streams                    manuela-data-lake
    red-hat-camel-k                manuela-data-lake
    seldon-operator                manuela-ml-workspace
    openshift-pipelines-operator-  openshift-operators
    opendatahub-operator           openshift-operators
    patterns-operator              openshift-operators
  3. Access the ArgoCD environment

    You can find the ArgoCD application links listed under the Red Hat applications in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

    ArgoCD Links

    You can also obtain the ArgoCD URLs and passwords (optional) by displaying the fully qualified domain names, and matching login credentials, for all ArgoCD instances:

    ARGO_CMD=`oc get secrets -A -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{"oc get -n "}{.metadata.namespace}{" routes; oc -n "}{.metadata.namespace}{" extract secrets/"}{}{" --to=-\\n"}{end}' | grep gitops-cluster`
    CMD=`echo $ARGO_CMD | sed 's|- oc|-;oc|g'`
    eval $CMD

    The result should look something like:

    NAME                       HOST/PORT                                                                                         PATH      SERVICES                   PORT    TERMINATION            WILDCARD
    datacenter-gitops-server          datacenter-gitops-server   https   passthrough/Redirect   None
    # admin.password
    NAME                    HOST/PORT                                                                                   PATH   SERVICES                PORT    TERMINATION            WILDCARD
    factory-gitops-server          factory-gitops-server   https   passthrough/Redirect   None
    # admin.password
    NAME                      HOST/PORT                                                                              PATH   SERVICES                  PORT    TERMINATION            WILDCARD
    cluster                                   cluster                   8080    reencrypt/Allow        None
    kam                                           kam                       8443    passthrough/None       None
    openshift-gitops-server          openshift-gitops-server   https   passthrough/Redirect   None
    # admin.password

    The most important ArgoCD instance to examine at this point is data-center-gitops-server. This is where all the applications for the datacenter, including the test environment, can be tracked.

  4. Apply the secrets from the values-secret-industrial-edge.yaml to the secrets management Vault. This can be done through Vault’s UI - manually without the file. The required secrets and scopes are:

    • secret/hub/git git username & password (GitHub token)
    • secret/hub/imageregistry Quay or DockerHub username & password
    • secret/hub/aws - AWS values read from your ~/.aws/credentials

    Using the Vault UI check that the secrets have been setup.

    For more information on secrets management see here. For information on Hashicorp’s Vault see here

  5. Check all applications are synchronised

Next Steps

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Once the data center has been setup correctly and confirmed to be working, you can:

  1. Add a dedicated cluster to deploy the factory pieces using ACM

  2. Once the data center and the factory have been deployed you will want to check out and test the Industrial Edge 2.0 demo code. You can find that here

    a. Making configuration changes with GitOps a. Making application changes using DevOps a. Making AI/ML model changes with DevOps


We currently do not support uninstalling this pattern.