Validated Patterns

Deploying the Intel AMX accelerated Multicloud GitOps pattern with Openshift AI

  • An OpenShift cluster

    • To create an OpenShift cluster, go to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud console and select Services -> Containers -> Create cluster.

    • The cluster must have a dynamic StorageClass to provision PersistentVolumes.

  • The cluster must have worker nodes with Intel AMX feature enabled, so the 5th Generation of Intel Xeon Processors is highly recommended

  • Optional: A second OpenShift cluster for multicloud demonstration.

  • Install the tooling dependencies.

The use of this pattern depends on having at least one running Red Hat OpenShift cluster. However, consider creating a cluster for deploying the GitOps management hub assets and a separate cluster for the managed cluster.

If you do not have a running Red Hat OpenShift cluster, you can start one on a public or private cloud by using Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console.

  1. Fork the amx-accelerated-rhoai-multicloud-gitops repository on GitHub.

  2. Clone the forked copy of this repository.

    git clone
  3. Create a local copy of the secret values file that can safely include credentials for the config-demo application and edit it if you want to customize the secret. If not, the framework generates a random password.

    cp values-secret.yaml.template ~/values-secret-multicloud-gitops.yaml

    Do not commit this file. You do not want to push personal credentials to GitHub.

  4. (Optional) You may customize the deployment for your cluster depending on your needs by editing values-global.yaml and values-hub.yaml. To do this run the following commands:

    git checkout -b my-branch
    vi values-global.yaml
    git add values-global.yaml
    git commit values-global.yaml
    git push origin my-branch
  5. Deploy the pattern by running ./ make install or by using the Validated Patterns Operator - both methods are described below.

Deploying the cluster by using the file

To deploy the cluster by using the file, complete the following steps:

  1. Login to your cluster by running the following command:

    oc login

    Optional: Set the KUBECONFIG variable for the kubeconfig file path:

    export KUBECONFIG=~/<path_to_kubeconfig>
  2. Deploy the pattern to your cluster. Run the following command:

    ./ make install

Verify that the Operators have been installed.

  1. To verify, in the OpenShift Container Platform web console, navigate to Operators → Installed Operators page.

  2. Check that the following Operators are installed with Succeeded status (Figure 1):

    • Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes

    • multicluster engine for Kubernetes

    • Node Feature Discovery Operator

    • Red Hat Openshift GitOps

    • Validated Patterns Operator

    • OpenVINO Toolkit Operator

    • Red Hat Openshift AI

Deploying the cluster by using the Validated Patterns Operator

To install the Validated Patterns Operator:

  1. Log in to the Openshift Container Platform web console and select Operators > OperatorHub.

  2. Search for Validated Patterns Operator, open it and click Install.

    Install Validated Patterns Operator
    Figure 2. Install Validated Patterns Operator step 1
  3. Choose default settings for the installation mode, namespaces and update strategy and confirm it by clicking Install.

    Install Validated Patterns Operator
    Figure 3. Install Validated Patterns Operator step 2
  4. Select Operators > Installed Operators.

  5. Ensure that Validated Patterns Operator is listed in the openshift-operators project with a status Succeeded.

Create Intel AMX accelerated Multicloud GitOps pattern with Openshift AI

After a successful installation, open Validated Patterns Operator page. Next, go to Pattern tab and click Create Pattern.

  1. Set the Name field to multicloud-gitops-amx-rhoai and Cluster Group Name to hub, Values must be the same as in the values-global.yaml file (Figure 3).

  2. As a Git Config > Target Repo value, paste the link to your fork. Under Git Config > Target Revision write the name of your branch (Figure 3).

  3. Click Create button to create the pattern.

    Create pattern AMX accelerated Multicloud GitOps with Openshift AI
    Figure 4. Create Pattern Form

Verify that the rest of Operators have been installed:

  1. To verify, in the OpenShift Container Platform web console, navigate to Operators → Installed Operators page.

  2. Check that the following Operators are installed with Succeeded status (Figure 1):

    • Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes

    • multicluster engine for Kubernetes

    • Node Feature Discovery Operator

    • Red Hat Openshift GitOps

    • OpenVINO Toolkit Operator

    • Red Hat Openshift AI


Go to the Hub ArgoCD and verify that all applications are synchronized. The URL can be found in Openshift Container Platform web console under Networking > Routes for the project multicloud-gitops-amx-rhoai-hub or use command:

oc -n multicloud-gitops-amx-rhoai-hub get route hub-gitops-server -ojsonpath='{}'

All applications should be Healthy and Synced:

Multicloud GitOps Hub with rhods and openvino toolkit
Figure 5. ArgoCD panel with all applications

As part of this pattern, HashiCorp Vault has been installed. Refer to the section on Vault.

Start your workload

Now, you are ready to use installed pattern.

Next steps

After the management hub is set up and works correctly, attach one or more managed clusters to the architecture.

For instructions on deploying the edge, refer to Attach a managed cluster (edge) to the management hub.