Validated Patterns

Ideas for customization

About customizing the pattern Multicloud GitOps pattern

One of the major goals of the Validated Patterns development process is to create modular, customizable demos. The Multicloud Gitops is just an example of a pattern managing multiple clusters in a GitOps fashion. It contains a very simple config-demo application, which prints out a secret that was injected into the vault through an out-of-band mechanism.

You can customize this demo in different ways.

Split the config-demo across hub and regional clusters

Currently hub and regional clusters are reusing the exact same helm chart found at charts/all/config-demo. The first customization step could be to split the demo app in two separate charts: one in charts/hub/config-demo and one in charts/region/config-demo. Once charts/all/config-demo has been copied to charts/hub/config-demo and charts/region/config-demo, you need to include them in the respective values-hub.yaml and values-region-one.yaml, respectively.

After completing this configuration, you can start customizing the two apps and make them output a different web page entirely depending if the pod is running on the hub or on the cluster.

Rest API addition

After splitting the charts, you could implement a small REST API server on the hub. This API could serve read-only values out to anyone and could provide some update write-APIs only if the client provides a secret, for example, by using the X-API-KEY mechanism. You can tweak the config-demo application to communicate to the hub and use a vault-injected secret as the X-API-KEY. So the hub would possess the key through the External-Secrets generated kubernetes secret and the regional app would possess that same secret via the RHACM policy pushing out secrets via the {{hub fromSecret}} mechanism.